Education on

heritage and

environmental assets

Development of new technologies and materials for heritage and environmental education.

Suset Barroso Solares

Crystallography and Mineralogy Assistant Professor

Javier Pinto Sanz

Crystallography and Mineralogy Associate Professor

Carlos Sanz Mínguez

Prehistory Associate Professor

Elvira Rodríguez Gutiérrez


Fields of activity

  • Development of scientific dissemination activities and materials.
  • Development of 3D models and their potential applications in research, teaching and dissemination.

Research services offer

  • 3D models generation.



| Heritage and environmental education, Preservation of historical heritage, Projects | No Comments
Development and implementation of a database of historical pigments as a multiplatform application for the study and preservation of the heritage of Castilla y León. Funding entity: Principal investigator: Javier…