Laboratories and


The AHMAT laboratory is fully equipped for the development of new polymer-based materials, as well as for the study of historical, archaeological and environmental heritage materials, highlighting the range of portable and non-destructive characterisation techniques available, with modern, high-performance equipment:

1. Production and functionalization

The development of new materials and their functionalization, either during production or as an additional stage, requires the use of various techniques to control the morphology, adhesion and dispersion of functional loads. In addition to conventional equipment (hoods, stirrers, etc.), the following can be highlighted:


The electrospinning system makes it possible to obtain polymeric fibers by controlling their composition and diameter.

Pyrolysis furnace

It allows obtaining functional materials from the pyrolysis of polymeric materials.


It allows for the simple, effective and industrially scalable functionalization of a wide variety of materials.

Gas dissolution foaming

It allows to obtain in a controlled way materials with porous structure, increasing their surface area and modifying their physical properties, which improves their performance in various applications.

2. Analysis and characterization

The study of heritage requires a wide diversity of techniques, being in general particularly relevant its portable character.


Portable FTIR spectroscopy with ATR and DRIFT modes.

Raman Spectroscopy (BWTEK)

Portable Raman spectroscopy system with a wavelength of 785 nm and the ability to work in macroscopic and microscopic mode.

X-Ray Fluorescence (ELIO, Bruker)

Portable X-ray fluorescence system with mapping capabilities up to 10 x 10 cm2, as well as working with helium purge for the detection of light elements down to Na.

UV-Vis Spectroscopy

UV-Vis spectroscopy laboratory equipment for the study of substances in solution and films.

Optical microscopy

Petrographic microscope and stereo magnifiers (both laboratory and portable).


Portable system for the development of photogrammetric 3D models.


Portable system for colorimetric evaluation.